The Recipe of Abuse is Calculated and Persistent

The recipe all systems have in common is:
one-way help, blame, criticism, and punishment that perpetuate traumatization and isolation.

The System Now

The System (capital “S”) has a common recipe of abuse that impacts us through multiple layers: single-systems, organizations, and communities.

The impact of each layer is compounded onto the others and weighs most heavily on children, families, and communities, creating a cycle that is hard to escape. 

Disproportionality is the symptom of the common recipe of System-wide Abuse. Every system (small “s”) you can think of–education, legal, medical, child welfare– people of color experience negative outcomes at a higher rate than they are represented in the U.S. population. In other words, we know that people of color are mostly the least well-served in any system. This mistreatment generates intergenerational trauma–wounds (sexual violence, mother loss, child abuse) repeated from one generation to the next–see Latoya’s story for an example of three generations placed in the foster care system.

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